Monday, April 29, 2019

Arbor Day - April 26, 2019

Gathering Around the Surefire Cherry - South Whidbey High School - April 26, 2019
For Arbor Day this year, the 8th grade class raised $375.41 by selling bake sale items at school. Eight fruit and nut trees were purchased and planted in the South Whidbey High School gardens.

Over the last two years, the eighth grade class has added a total of thirteen trees to the campus. At this rate, we could turn the space into something remarkable for future attendees of SWHS. I'm looking forward to involving students in this unique opportunity again next school year!


Nels Bergquist

I want to give a special shout out to Seth Raabe, tree location master. This project was a success due, in large part, to your excellent communication. I also appreciated the help of my parents, Carol and Don Bergquist, who helped with the shuttling of trees from Venture Out Nursery to South Whidbey High School. Venture Out gave us a deep discount on the fruit and nut trees, which made our money go much further. Thank you!

Trees Planted: Surefire Cherry, Imperial Epineuse Plum, Eta Hazelnut, Jefferson Filbert Hazelnut (2), Seneca Plum (2) and Dwarf Enterprise Apple.

Bake Sale in Bloom

Courtyard Staging Area
Preparation for Planting - South Whidbey High School - April 26, 2019

Imperial Epineuse Plum - South Whidbey High School - April 26, 2019

Trees and Compost

Turning Soil in the Sun

Eta Hazelnut - South Whidbey High School - April 26, 2019

Yours Truly (Dandelion Crown) - South Whidbey High School - April 26, 2019

Seneca Plum - South Whidbey High School - April 26, 2019